Case Studies
Packaging design and printed collateral by Human Resources using Wild Green.
Human Resources developed the identity and packaging design for Hey Jane – a small batch, natural skincare brand dedicated to harnessing the power of CBD and natural wellbeing.
With an ethos of blending nature and science, Hey Jane detaches itself from the common misconceptions and visual cues of cannabis-related products and instead focuses on a strong sense of authenticity, sincerity and self-appreciation. "GF Smith’s Wild Green was the perfect partner to accompany these principles with its soft, natural surface texture and versatility across a range of print processes,” says designer Kurt Green from Human Resources.
Wild in the shade Green, at 300gsm, was printed by Ripe Digital with a foil embossing, supplemented with HP Indigo white, and overprinted with a bright neon acid yellow.
“Working with GF Smith is always an absolute pleasure. The range, quality and service they offer speaks for itself.”
Kurt Green at Human Resources